Of course, it’s tonight! I can’t help but imagine my older sister’s smug face as she looks me up and down with her intimidating gaze. Just imagining her disapproving stare fills me with a fierce fury, I can’t believe her! I can just see her saying, ‘Oh, so sorry, dear, your invite must’ve gotten lost in the mail.’ Like I believe that for a second! I can’t believe that she put me on her second invite list, she’s probably only inviting me to fill a seat in her glamorous dinner party. Dashing her image out of my mind, I run to my closet in a hurry to pick out what to wear. I hope I’m not late! Oh, but what if I am, fashionably late. I mean, that never hurt anyone. Struggling to suck in my gut, I squeeze into my tightest black slip and waddle over to my shoe section. At first, I select a pair of navy blue pumps, then I think, if I’m going to my sister’s dinner party my shoes need to make a statement. I want her approval, and, of course, I need to look better than her! Figuring I’d wear one of my black dresses, I pull out an unmarked shoebox from one of my bottom drawers, opening the box I gasp, not because it’s my first time seeing the shoes, but because they are the most elegantly shaped, fuchsia pumps that I have ever seen. They are so elegant and delicate looking, they look like the wings of a rare and exotic butterfly. Once I select my show-stopping shoes, I waltz over to my lavish, color-coded, collection of dresses, skipping over to my black dresses I take-in my many options. Immediately eliminating a sundress and two cocktail dresses, deciding that neither would be acceptable, let alone appropriate to wear to a dinner party. Leaving me with two floor-length evening gowns, one had a halter top and a slit down the right leg, and the other was strapless in a mermaid-style. Deciding to go with the mermaid-style dress, fuchsia pumps, a diamond necklace that dad gave me, diamond studs that mom gave me, and a smokey eye, I fearlessly walk out the front door and into my limousine. Ever since mom and dad died she has become an entitled, selfish, and vain little brat! Well, tonight’s the night I show her that her bullshit won’t slide anymore. Tonight I’m not living in fear! Glancing at my diamond-drenched watch, I see that I’d be 20-30 minutes late, now that’s what I call fashionably late. 

The limousine dropped me off at the front door where I made my grand entrance. I rang the doorbell and, who other than my sister to open it, she gave me her intimidating gaze, making sure that I was dressed properly before letting me mingle with her friends. This particular look from my older sister would have melted me and made me feel insecure any other night, but not tonight, for I had a gleaming ember in my eyes. 

“Don’t we look just smashing tonight!”

Without acknowledging her or letting her judgemental glare stick around for too long I step over the threshold and strut into the grand house with my head held high. Knowing that I would own the night. 




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