you cannot cry in department stores. nor can you buy fake diamonds from tj maxx anymore.
but she found a sale on yellow peaches for tomorrow.
and you can buy two and a half pounds of them.
and consume them under the sun.
and you can burn your naked pink flesh on top of an old crimson towel.
and then if you take a shower after you smoke two red cigarettes, you can feel better.
at least that’s what the Kroger receipt says.
a flock of bikers ran her off the road
and in the colorful, circular accident, she decided to stare at the sky instead-
so when she finally had to go back inside, she wouldn’t be able to see.
she’d sit under the cold water trying to heal her burn.
you can close your eyes when you think.
how did you fabricate a life of lies?
how will your burns feel when he is no longer around to soothe them?
how are you going to tell this story this time?
she did not need to fry her vision to avoid her reflection.
you can lift mirrors off of walls.