She used to draw them
Five pointed stars
The ones you make crooked and lopsided
Before they teach you to make one perfect everytime
They guided my hand in the lines of an
Eight pointed star
Which take you everywhere you want to go
once you learn how to guide your pencil into the perfect pattern
Papers and paintings full of them
The preciseness of these etchings causing me to forget the soft and shaky-handed stars I drew
I losing the charm and possibility of imperfectness with that
But she preferred the five points
Somehow they were perfect
Rainbow colored
All over her hands and ankles
A practice of confined creativity
She shared her stars with me
In repetitive motions, her five points were everywhere
And every one was different
In every color gel ink offered
Together we were covered in rainbow constellations
Shoes and fingers and ankles and thighs tagged with this remembrance of childhood
The creativity reignited
The power of the unsteady hand traceable on my own skin
Outlined stars and the thin lines of colors
The last lost days of youth and forgotten childhood
All in a pattern
Repeated everywhere
While the colors and shapes have run off me
She has them forever etched in her
A reminder of unflinching possibility
Which we all have
But forget
I see them still sometimes
She holds inexorable possibility airly in her hands