No 7: FOOL
I let you lead me to where I want to go
I follow blindly
But peeking through open fingers
I see we’re not where i thought we were
Convinced I know where we’re going
But always ending up somewhere different
You leave me confounded everytime
Letting myself feel bathed in the golden light
That belongs to someone else
I step into it well knowing its not mine to take
Understanding that it’s fleeting
Seeing through the cracks in my fingers
that its all been pretend
I figure myself a fool
Even with the clarity of my sight
The vaseline lens kids me again
But i let myself feel the warmth of the beam
Singled out and solitary
The heat of another radiates onto me
But when i put my hands down
All thats left is the place youve led me
Even through cracked fingers I knew
I knew we wouldn’t end up where i wanted to go
Kidding myself
allowing myself to play the part
That never belonged to me
Barren and void of the promise I postulated
The millionth time ive ended up here
Damning my own sensitivity and naiveté
One day the ray of light may be real
May shine on the spot where you’ve led me
But how many more times can I face the empty room
I dont know if i can withstand it again
nor stare myself in the face
Knowing that even looking through open hands
I let myself be left here again