Expired film from an expired memory. 

Expired film from an expiring tradition. 

Film my mom never saw 

Film my ex will never look at again 

Photos from the most cultural experience I have witnessed with my own eyes

Photos no one can hear but the sound vibrated your lungs 

This is Pasola 

Pasola is a tradition for harvest throwing spears at other tribes while riding bareback on horses. 

High on bugs and life, riding, yelling, chanting, the energy, the rush, the excitement, it’s nothing I will ever be able to relive 

Hundreds of humans charging up a winding narrow dirt hill to witness a ceremony their ancestors brought to life. 

What a wonderful world as dark or light it may be it is full of so much more!! 

This has inspired me to go see what else this crazy world has to offer. 

There is so much more to life than what we surround our brainwashed tired minds with. 

Step out of your comfort zone and feel the vibrations of a chanting tribe. 

Buy a cheap ticket to an island no ones ever heard of. 

Read a damn book on spirit possession. 

Be a human, learn, expand, see, taste, smell, hear, FEEL SOMETHING NEW! 

If you’re reading this you probably have it a lot better than you allow yourself to obtain. And that’s a common trait but fuck move on from that shady grove and enlighten yourself. you have a lot more to be grateful for than you think. you have it really fucking good.  So take advantage of that, go share stories, but a cheap tourist keychain so the owner can feed his family dinner. Something you’ll notice when traveling in Indonesia is no matter what you’ll always see smiles. And as much as the smiles contagious!, it’s depresses me. 

How do I smile like you? Why am I so glum when I have a shower, clean toenails, a job that pays an hourly wage of what others make in a week. 

What do I need to smile. Nothing more. What don’t I need to smile. Everything less. 

I want a lively home, where we dance and drink and sing and share stories I want friends who will walk miles in the rain to come throw flip flops around on a basket ball court. 

I would never want to ruin this side of the globe with our meaningless glam and prescriptions. 

We always want what we don’t have. 
